The blessings of volcanoes
that have nurtured life

Stratified sea cliff
Tategamiiwa Rock
The cliff along the coast reaches a height of 80 meters. The clear strata and the island rock that looks like it has been cut off from the cliff are impressive sights. It can be seen clearly from the train windows on the San-in Main Line, and is a prominent landmark of the eastern part of Oda City. The light-colored layers are tuff, made up of volcanic ash and pumice, and the darker layers are composed of conglomerate. These layers were formed on the coast about 15 million years ago. The strata indicate that there were repeated volcanic eruptions nearby.
Up until 1950, there was a lake called Lake Hane to the west of the rock. The lake was used as a port until the middle ages, and the ruins of an ancient temple on the shore tell the story of ancient trade activity. In other regions, there are many similar examples of such rocks called “Tategamiiwa” that serve as landmarks for harbors and for praying for a safe voyage. This Tategamiiwa Rock has likely also served as a landmark for the port.
- 1San-in Main Line
- When the San-in Main Line opened to Iwamioda Station (now Odashi Station) in 1915, the young Ryunosuke Akutagawa (a famous Japanese author) visited Hane by train and wrote of the area’s beautiful scenery in a personal letter.