Mt. Sanbe was formed by repeated volcanic eruptions occurring from about 100,000 to about 4,000 years ago. It boasts four beautiful peaks, Osanbe, Mesanbe, Kosanbe, and Magosanbe, as well as verdant grasslands spreading out at the foot of the mountain. It is loved by many people because it can be enjoyed in a variety of ways, such as camping, mountain climbing, picnicking, and nature observation.
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There are a variety of ways to walk about the area, including routes that offer an easy challenge for beginners, routes that take you through lush natural forests, and rugged mountain paths that will give you a deep sense of accomplishment. The panoramic view from the summit overlooking the Chugoku Mountains and the Sea of Japan is truly a marvel to behold! It is also becoming an increasingly popular spot for trail running and cross-country enthusiasts.